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NewsWrap in Spanish PILOT PROJECT
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Welcome to This Way Out’s first venture into translating NewsWrap into another language.  

PROJECT GOAL: to produce Spanish language version of NewsWrap weekly for distribution to Spanish language radio stations in the U.S. and abroad to broaden the scope of serving the organization’s mission: 

To educate, inform and entertain audiences around the world by making freely available the presentation of news, features and cultural works by and about the international lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community via audio broadcast and cyber media.

NewsWrap is a unique weekly 10-minute summary of some of the news in or affecting LGBTQ communities around the world. It is included in the weekly 30-minute radio program This Way Out, heard on 150+ radio stations worldwide. It is also available as a standalone report on This Way Out website and social media platforms with close captions for hearing impaired audiences.

NewsWrap is written by Greg Gordon, edited by Lucia Chappelle, produced by Brian DeShazor. NewsWrap anchors are volunteers who come from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences.

Selected scripts for the pilot project were translated by students at the University of California Santa Barbara who selected the project for course credit. The translations were done under the supervision of  Inés Casillas, Associate Professor in the Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies and Director of the Chicano Studies Institute (CSI) at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Thanks to volunteers Tanya Kane-Parry and Marcos Najera for putting voice to the script as news anchors.

Bienvenido a la primera aventura de This Way Out presentado en el segundo language mas hablado del mundo – el español!

PROYECTO OBJECTO: produce una versión de NewsWrap semanalmente para distribuir a las estaciones de radio en español en los EEUU y afuera a ampliar el alcance to la intención de la organización:

Educar, informar y entretener la pública mundialmente por ofreciendo gratuitemente la presentación de las notícias, especiales y hechos culturales desde y sobre la comunidad international de las lesbians, gay, bisexual y transgenero por transmisión de audio y medios cibernéticos

NewsWrap es un resúmen único, semanalmente, que incluye algunas de las noticias mundiales que afecten los de la comunidad LGBTQ. Es parte del programa de radio semanalmente de 30 minutos THIS WAY OUT, escuchado por 150+ estaciones de radio alrededor del mundo. También es disponible aparte en el sitio de red de This Way Out y sus redes sociales, que incluye subtítulos para personas con discapacidad auditiva.

NewsWrap es escrito por Greg Gordon, editado por Lucia Chappelle y producido por Brian DeShazor. Los presentadores de notícias son voluntaries desde amplia identidades y perspectivas.

Textos selcionados para esta nueva presentación en español eran traducidos por los alumnus de the University of California Santa Barbara que reciben crédito academic por sus participation. Las traducciones eran revisado por Ines Casillas, Associate Professor in the Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies and Director of the Chicano Studies Institute (CSI) at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Gracias a los presentadores de las noticias, voluntaries Tanya Kane-Parry y Marcos Najera. 

What Listeners Like about This Way Out: 

Information for and about LGBTQ+ people world wide...

Variety of voices, news from around the world. 

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