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NewsWrap February 7, 2022

Updated: Feb 14, 2022


Ghanaian Anglican bishops reverse support for anti-LGBTQ bill

Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” Lokodo dies

Iran hangs two men for same-gender sex

Hungarian court okays pedophilia smear against lesbian group

South Dakota Republicans boot trans kids from sports

School compares child’s “Gay is OK” drawing to Nazi flag


The House of Bishops of the Anglican Church in Ghana is backing away from the “Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill” it previously supported, the government of Uganda announces the death of the notorious Simon Lokodo of “Kill the Gays” bill fame, two gays are hanged in Iran for “forced sexual intercourse between two men” after languishing on death row for six years, a Budapest court’s ruling that a pro-government newspaper was justified in linking the Labrisz Lesbian Association with pedophilia boosts Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s homophobic re-election campaign, South Dakota’s Republican Governor Kristi Noem signs a bill banning transgender athletes from school sports after her Chief of Staff calls them terrorists, and an Athens, Georgia student’s “Gay Is OK” drawing is likened to a Nazi flag and removed from an elementary school art exhibit.

NewsWrap is reported this week by Joe Boehnlein and Sarah Montague, produced by Brian DeShazor. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for international LGBTQ weekly news. See for complete NewsWrap transcripts and more information.


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