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NewsWrap January 31, 2022


Botswana accepts court repeal of anti-queer Penal Code

Namibian High Court’s marriage equality denial supports rights

Hong Kong rejects ID change without full trans surgery

France bans conversion therapy

Pope encourages parents to accept their LGBTQ children

Football Australia fines Melbourne team for homophobic fans’ chants

Mexican Football Federation bans anti-queer taunters

LGBTQA soccer fans sue Chicago stadium for uncontrolled homophobia

“Skyfall” villain becomes Bond girl for birthday surprise


Botswana’s government announces that it will abide by court rulings decriminalizing consensual same-gender sex, a Namibian court rejects gay and lesbian bi-national couples’ quest for recognition based on a previous ruling and calls for constitutional reform, a Hong Kong court upholds the requirement that trans people undergo full reassignment surgery to legally change their gender on government documents, the French parliament finalized its national ban on conversion therapy, Pope Francis informally urges parents to support children with different sexual orientations, the Australian A-League Melbourne Victory is fined for fans chanting homophobic epithets against out Adelaide United defender Josh Cavallo, the Mexican Football Authority warns that fans who chant the anti-queer slang word “puto” will be banned from stadiums for five years, LGBTQA U.S. soccer fans sue Chicago's Soldier Field for not stopping abusive chants during its 2019 Gold Cup matches, and Daniel “James Bond” Craig and “Skyfall” nemesis Javier “Raoul Silva” Bardem celebrate their birthdays with their cinematic homoeroticism baked into the cake.

NewsWrap is reported this week by Tanya Kane-Parry and Marcos Najera, produced by Brian DeShazor. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for international LGBTQ weekly news. See for complete NewsWrap transcripts and more information.


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