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NewsWrap December 13, 2021


Chile adopts marriage equality ahead of tense presidential race

Tokyo to recognize same-gender partners

New Zealand approves “statutory declaration” for gender change

Canada cures its conversion therapy problem

Victoria bans job bias by religious institutions

Brazil probes Bolsonaro’s AIDS hoax amidst COVID crime charges

US Senator Johnson steps in stupid


Chile’s conservative President Sebastian Pinera signs marriage equality into law before a presidential run-off might turn the government further right, Tokyo’s governor announces a plan to grant same-gender couples limited partnership rights, New Zealand lawmakers vote unanimously to allow trans people to self-declare their gender identity without medical or legal intervention, Canada’s ban on so-called “conversion therapy” quickly receives royal assent after the Senate follows the House in unanimously approving it, the Australian state of Victoria bans religious schools and other institutions from hiring or firing staff or expelling students based on their sexual orientation or gender identity, a Brazil Supreme Court Justice responds to a parliamentary committee request by ordering an investigation into President Jair Bolsonaro’s widely-disseminated claims that people who get the COVID vaccine risk contracting HIV/AIDS, and U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) gets a “Late Night” rebuke for foolishly downplaying both AIDS and COVID in one fell swoop.

NewsWrap is reported this week by Marcos Najera and Tanya Kane-Parry, produced by Brian DeShazor. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for international LGBTQ weekly news.


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