Ghana’s drastic anti-LGBTQ bill draws drastic reactions Botswana government appeals court’s pro-same-gender sex ruling South Korean military appeals trans rights ruling Poland defies EU pressure to protect queer rights Russia outlaws patriarchal homophobic hate group Western Australia judge emancipates abused trans teen
Ghanaian lawmakers get mounting pressure to pass the world’s “most homophobic” bill, Botswana’s government appeals a lower court decision decriminalizing same-gender sex, South Korea’s Defense Ministry appeals a court order to recognize a deceased trans soldier’s gender, the Polish government’s supremacy battle with the European Commission escalates, a Russian homophobic-misogynistic-racist group critical of the president is banned as Putin denies transgender existence, and the Western Australia Supreme Court affirms the right of a suicidal trans teen to separate from his non-accepting family.
NewsWrap is reported this week by Tanya Kane-Parry and Joe Boenhlein, produced by Brian DeShazor. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for international LGBTQ weekly news.