HEADLINES Zurich Pride pushes Swiss marriage equality Panama’s high court disses gay couple’s Colombian wedding Missouri Republican howling disappears Capitol queer exhibit Missouri teacher forced out over signs of inclusion Iowa students defend bi teacher’s honesty US federal judge slams gay teacher’s firing by North Carolina diocese Queer September 11th heroes honored
SUMMARY More than 20,000 march for marriage equality in Zurich, Switzerland’s annual LGBTQ Pride Parade ahead of a national referendum, the case of a gay couple’s Colombian marriage is refused by Panama’s Supreme Court of Justice, the abrupt removal of an LGBTQ History exhibit from the Missouri State Capitol follows a Republican lawmaker’s criticism, posting welcoming signs and a rainbow flag leads to a Missouri teacher’s force resignation, Iowa high school students demonstrate and launch a petition against the removal of a bisexual teacher, a fired gay North Carolina Catholic school teacher wins his discrimination lawsuit, and saintly Father Mychal Judge and other queer heroes of the September 11th terrorist attack are remembered on its twentieth anniversary.
NewsWrap is reported this week by Joe Boehnlein and Elena Botkin-Levy, produced by Brian DeShazor.
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